What's New in FactSage 5.4?

(Revised August, 2005)

FactSage 5.4 Update:

The FactSage 5.4 update was released in August 2005. The update permits you to upgrade FactSage 5.0 (or update/refresh any more recent version 5.1, 5.2, ... etc.) to FactSage 5.4 (August 2005). If you wish to install FactSage 5.4 on a new PC then you must first install the original FactSage 5.0 package (April 2001).

In order to upgrade to the complete FactSage 5.4 package you must run two programs:

In November 2004 we listed the important database and programming changes in 5.3.1 with respect to 5.3 - these are also included in this document. What follows is a list all the important database and programming changes in FactSage 5.4 (August 2005) with respect to FactSage 5.3 (July 2004).

New Databases:

New databases were released with FactSage 5.3.1 (November 2004) - FToxid, FTsalt, FThall, FThelg, FTmisc, FSlite, FSstel, SGTE, and FSnobl. Additional new databases have been released with FactSage 5.4 (August 2005) - FScopp, FSlead, FSupsi, SGnucl and TDnucl.

The old FACT solution database (FS50Soln.sda) has been greatly extended and updated, and has been subdivided into the new FToxid, FTsalt, FThall, FTmisc and FThelg solution databases, each containing data for a group of systems (oxides, salts, etc.). Since November 2004 (FactSage 5.3.1) changes and additions have been carried out on most of these databases. Those clients who are have already installed the new databases (Data531.exe) should refresh the data by running Data54.exe.

In FactSage 5.4 it is no longer necessary to add the new public FACT, FactSage, SGTE etc. databases to the 'List of Databases' - this is now done automatically by FactSage. In previous versions whenever a new public database was stored on the PC then it was necessaery to 'inform FactSage of the new database'. Typically you would run 'View Data', click on 'Add', browse and locate the new databases, etc. For new public databases stored in \FACTDATA this is no longer necessary (however this still applies to new private databases copied to the PC - note, it is highly recommended NOT to store private databases in \FACTDATA).

BINS – free binary alloy database:

A free alloy database, BINS, is distributed with the 5.4 update. It contains 115 of the binary systems from the SGTE(2004) alloy databases. The database contains model parameters for binary systems only.

In addition to inspecting the data via the ViewData and Compound modules, you may also access and edit the solution data using the Solution module. This will provide a clearer understanding both of the models used by SGTE in describing the thermodynamic properties of different solid and liquid phases. The data for the free systems may also be useful as a basis for developing your own database with the new OptiSage optimization module, especially because of their compatibility with all other SGTE databases.

Note that this free BINS database is intended for calculation of phase equilibria in BINARY systems only. The database does not contain any ternary model parameters. The database can NOT be used for calculations in ternary and higher-order systems, as this will almost certainly result in totally incorrect results.

Database Documentation and Diagrams:

In addition to the new databases, the major changes relate to extensive new documentation and new calculated phase diagrams (*.fig files), for example:

FactSage Installation:

FactSage Browser:

A FactSage browser has been written to access the FactSage htm, fig and associated documentation files. The browser is highly efficient and particularly designed for the FactSage environment. For example, it displays a 'tree-view' index of the database documentation and enables you to rapidly 'open' fig files (i.e. phase diagrams) in a FactSage Viewer environment - this is not possible with Explorer or Netscape.

In 5.4 a 'Search phase diagram' feature has been added to the browser. For example if you enter 'O Fe' the browser will list to all the calculated phase diagrams with these elements: Fe-O, FeO-NiO, Cr2O3-Fe2O3, etc. You then click on the listed name to display the diagram.

FactSage Modules

View Data:



Phase Diagram:


Other Modules:

Elsewhere in FactSage 5.4 some programming changes have been made and bugs (both old and new) located in FactSage 5.3 and 5.3.1 have been fixed. The changes include:

  • FactSage databases with 6-letter nicknames are supported in all the modules.

  • In Phase Diagram it is possible to merge a dilute user-defined ideal solution into a real solution (this was already possible in Equilib).

  • The Stop/Kill option in Equilib/Phase Diagram works on all Windows platforms. The % / progress bar has been modified for Equilib transition calculations.

  • Empty *.dat solution files are ignored.

  • Read-only solution files on a user's PC are accessible.

  • 'Tools' options have been activated and unwanted error messages have been removed from Compound.

  • Run-time errors: 'EpH' related to the optional element, and 'error 9' when FactSage starts up, have been fixed.

  • [F*A*C*T] [www.factsage.com] [GTT]